
ValueError: unknown file extension: .mp4 in bloch sphere animation notebook along with deprecation error.

mjhajharia opened this issue · 3 comments

matplotlib.animation:MovieWriter avconv was unavailable and Pillow is being used instead, which does not support mp4 files, possibly making anim an FFMpegWriter object would help

Thanks for raising this.
Please refer to and link the Notebook that is causing the error.

I think you will find that the error is caused by a usage error in
please do investigate further

matplotlib.animation:MovieWriter avconv was unavailable and Pillow is being used instead, which does not support mp4 files, possibly making anim an FFMpegWriter object would help

The relevant notebook is https://github.com/qutip/qutip-notebooks/blob/master/examples/bloch-sphere-animation.ipynb