
Misprint - Users Guide (Manipulating States and Operators)

mkPavel opened this issue · 3 comments


I've noted misprint in "Qubit (two-level) systems" subsection of "Manipulating States and Operators" section.

I think, that after words "Now at this point one may ask how this state is different than that of a harmonic oscillator in the vacuum state truncated to two energy levels?" you need type code

vac = fock(2, 0) # but in guide in that place this: vac = basis(2, 0)

Pavel Makarov.

Can you tell the exact notebook referred here so that I may look?

It states 'To create a state vector corresponding to a qubit system, we use the same [qutip.states.basis] or [qutip.states.fock] function with only two levels'

I see no problem @mkPavel .
therefore, I request to close this issue