
Optimize all results website alt images hosted on imgur

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Some images take a while to load on slow connections with most of the culprits being unoptimized PNGs. PNGGauntlet can be used to reduce the size of these images without losing quality. Larger resolutions can also be made smaller, converted to JPEG and then optimized via this tool.

The symmetry of the image also raises some issues. On desktop modals, images need to be horizontally centered which is fairly easy to do and most anilist images are horizontally centered by default with the ones we picked also being horizontally centered. Most of them aren't vertically centered though and that causes issues on mobile view where the image ratio is entirely different. This can be fixed by just picking widescreen images that are both horizontally and vertically centered but that's easier said than done.

This issue is a luxury that we should only work on when we don't have a large backlog of critical issues to fix.