Job "killed" for test runs
josephko91 opened this issue · 0 comments
Hello! This is my first attempt trying to use this tool, however I am not having any success with my particular input .gdb files. I have tried compiling and running on my local machine following the instructions in the readme, and I have also tried using the docker container.
Source of .gdb files used in tests:
- Using instructions in readme:
- The program runs and a TIFF is generated, however upon opening it in QGIS, it doesn't look like it was converted correctly. The range of values is completely changed and no image actually shows up when imported as a layer.
- Using docker container:
- When I run the executable with the docker image mounted, it starts to run and then it fails with the message "Killed"
- no TIFF is generated at all in this case, not even a corrupted one
I was very excited to try this tool since there seems to be no open-source (i.e., non-ESRI) solution to converting .gdb files to geotiff, but I just can't seem to get it working with my files! Any help with be greatly appreciated!