
Wrong key mapping in waynergy-mapper

SnDream opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm using Windows Barrier 1.6 as the server and KDE Desktop as the client, using the KDE fake input protocol
Since most of the key mappings are wrong, I turned on the

xkb_key_offset = 8
syn_raw_key_codes = true

For the main letter keys it works fine, but the function keys are basically wrong, so I used waynergy-mapper to try to output the correct function key mappings.
However the mapping output by waynergy-mapper didn't work correctly, I later used debug mode to get the value of each key and wrote the configuration manually.

Here is the configuration I wrote:

offset_on_explicit = false
# Up Left Right Down
328 = 111
331 = 113
333 = 114
336 = 116

#Ins Del Home End PgUp PgDn
338 = 118
339 = 119
327 = 110
335 = 115
329 = 112
337 = 117

# LWin RWin RAlt RCtrl
347 = 133
348 = 134
312 = 108
285 = 105

# NLock NDiv NEnter
325 = 77
309 = 106
284 = 104

# PScr Pause (Not SLock)
311 = 107
69 = 127

Here is the configuration the mapper output:

333 = 77
333 = 78
135 = 85
292 = 104
293 = 105
317 = 106
319 = 107
335 = 110
336 = 111
337 = 112
339 = 113
85 = 114
118 = 115
119 = 116
120 = 117
346 = 118
121 = 119
127 = 133
356 = 134

It looks like mapper is not calculating xkb_key_offset.
Is it possible to add parameters to mapper for the xkb_key_offset offset?

Also have to say that waynergy works very well. It has eased my pain of switching to wayland quite a bit.

Sorry for the delay in response....

In any case, for a simple offset error, you can set offset under [raw-keymap]. Though I'm glad you got it working the meantime; I'll have to try this particular configuration myself.

Just wanted to say that I'm running Plasma 6.0.4 with waynergy version 0.0.17, and the config above works perfectly for me.