
Trying to `dbAppendTable` with an empty data frame throws "Error: Cannot pass NA to dbQuoteIdentifier()"

Kodiologist opened this issue · 3 comments

What I would've expected is for such a call to silently do nothing. Then, when the value argument to dbAppendTable is an expression yielding a data frame of 0 or more rows (and in the case of 0 rows, 0 columns as well), everything works as expected when 0 rows are produced. Even if you don't want to allow this, improving the error message is probably wise.

db = dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
dbExecute(db, "create table T(n  integer primary key)")
dbAppendTable(db, "T", data.frame())

Thanks for raising this. We need to fix DBI::sqlAppendTableTemplate() to account for zero-length input.

You need to pass in columns, even if they have no rows:

db <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
dbExecute(db, "create table T(n  integer primary key)")
#> [1] 0
dbAppendTable(db, "T", data.frame(n = integer()))
#> [1] 0

Created on 2021-01-02 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Working on improving the error message for your example.

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