
Formatted decimal values convert to character

bcorwin opened this issue · 5 comments

It looks like DECIMAL columns in my Teradata database that are associated with a format are being pulled in to R as character instead of numeric.

con is a connection to a Teradata database:

q <- "
  1 (BYTEINT) as \"byteint\",
  1 (SMALLINT) as \"smallint\",
  12345 (INTEGER) as \"integer\",
  123.456 as \"float\",
  1234.567890 (DECIMAL(38,6)) as \"float_formatted\",
  'abcdef' as \"string\",
  DATE '2022-06-01'  as \"date\",
  TIMESTAMP '2022-06-01 12:34:56.700000' as \"timestamp_ts\",
  TIME '12:34:56' as \"time\",
  '123' as \"integer_as_string\",
  '123.456' as \"float_as_string\";
rs <- dbSendQuery(con, q)

float_formatted is correctly identified as a DECIMAL / numeric:

chk <- dbFetch(rs)

But is being converted to character:

What can I do to make sure that data type is converted to numeric? I know I could do that after the fact but I don't want to overcorrect and convert columns that may look to be integers / floats in R but the original database has them as characters.

Thanks. What does your dbConnect() call look like, specifically the drv argument (usually the first)? Please do not share your password or other sensitive data here.

    RJDBC::JDBC(classPath = system.file("drivers", "Teradata", "terajdbc4.jar", package = package_name)),

I ended up doing this as a fix on my end:

    res <- do.call(DBI::dbSendQuery, params)

    column_types <- DBI::dbColumnInfo(res)$data.type
    out <- DBI::dbFetch(res)

    ## Make sure formatted numeric columns stay as numeric
    columns_to_adjust <- colnames(out)[
      (sapply(out, class) == "character") &
        (column_types == "numeric")]
    out <- dplyr::mutate_at(out, columns_to_adjust, as.numeric)

Thanks for the heads-up!

This old thread has been automatically locked. If you think you have found something related to this, please open a new issue and link to this old issue if necessary.