
Using Docker in R-Hub - section for Rockerverse paper

nuest opened this issue ยท 2 comments

nuest commented

๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi there! Would you be interested in contributing some experiences and reasoning (e.g. why not to use Rocker images only) on using Docker for running R-Hub in this article that is currently written?


See also nuest/rockerverse-paper#3 and nuest/rockerverse-paper#8 (conference call later today)

why not to use Rocker images only

  • we have a lot more OSes and configs, so it makes sense to make them more uniform
  • we wanted to have common upstream images, e.g. debian -> debian-gcc -> debian-gcc-devel
  • we run as a regular user, so this needs a different config
  • we have a lot more software, e.g. pandoc and a fairly complete LaTeX installation
nuest commented

Thanks for the input, makes sense!

I would probably add to the list

  • we want environments that are close to what CRAN does/has