Invalid URL when repo is "<username>/<repo>.git"
Closed this issue · 3 comments
coolbutuseless commented
Testing rhub v1.9.9.9000 and there appear to be some issues parsing the repo url, with a "git@..." address considered URL>
> rhub::rhub_doctor()
✔ Found R package at /Users/mike/projects/yyjsonr.
✔ Found git repository at /Users/mike/projects/yyjsonr.
✖ Do you have a GitHub personal access token (PAT)?
Invalid URL(s):
However if I explicitly set: `rhub::rhub_doctor("") then it works without complaint.
gaborcsardi commented
Thanks, can you show the output of traceback()
coolbutuseless commented
> packageVersion('rhub')
[1] ‘’
> rhub::rhub_doctor()
✔ Found R package at /Users/mike/projects/yyjsonr.
✔ Found git repository at /Users/mike/projects/yyjsonr.
✖ Do you have a GitHub personal access token (PAT)?
Invalid URL(s):
0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , TRUE , TRUE , TRUE , TRUE , TRUE , TRUE , TRUE , NA , rhub , base , base , base , NA , rhub , , ::: , :: , :: , :: , , ::: , 69376 , 69376 , 69376 , 69376 , 69376 , 69376 , 69376 , rhub::rhub_doctor() , doctor_find_pat(gh_url) , tryCatch(pat <- gitcreds::gitcreds_get(url = pat_url)$password, , gitcreds_nogit_error = function(e) { , tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) , tryCatchOne(tryCatchList(expr, names[-nh], parentenv, handlers[-nh]), , names[nh], parentenv, handlers[[nh]]) , value[[3L]](cond) , throw(e)
> traceback()
8: base::stop(cond)
7: throw(e)
6: value[[3L]](cond)
5: tryCatchOne(tryCatchList(expr, names[-nh], parentenv, handlers[-nh]),
names[nh], parentenv, handlers[[nh]])
4: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
3: tryCatch(pat <- gitcreds::gitcreds_get(url = pat_url)$password,
gitcreds_nogit_error = function(e) {
cli::cli_status_clear(pid, result = "failed")
env <- gitcreds::gitcreds_cache_envvar(pat_url)
throw(pkg_error(call. = FALSE, "Could not find a GitHub personal access token (PAT) for {.url {pat_url}}.",
i = "I also could not find a working git installation. If you\n don't want to install git, but you have a PAT, you can set the\n {.env {env}} environment variable to the PAT.",
i = "You can read more about PATs at\n {.url}."))
}, gitcreds_no_credentials = function(e) {
cli::cli_status_clear(pid, result = "failed")
env <- gitcreds::gitcreds_cache_envvar(pat_url)
throw(pkg_error(call. = FALSE, "Could not find a GitHub personal access token (PAT) for {.url {pat_url}}.",
i = "If you have a GitHub PAT, you can use {.run gitcreds::gitcreds_set()}\n to add it to the git credential store, so R-hub can use it.",
i = "If you don't have a PAT, you can create one by running\n {.run usethis::create_github_token()}.",
i = "You can read more about PATs at\n {.url}."))
}, error = function(e) {
cli::cli_status_clear(pid, result = "failed")
2: doctor_find_pat(gh_url)
1: rhub::rhub_doctor()
gaborcsardi commented
I think it should be OK now.