Automatically add .github directory to .Rbuildignore
hezibu opened this issue · 2 comments
First of all, many thanks for the package - new version works well and I love the use of github actions.
I've encountered the following NOTE using rhub::rhub_check()
Found the following hidden files and directories:
These were most likely included in error. See section 'Package
structure' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.
CRAN-pack does not know about
Adding .github to .Rbuildignore eliminates this NOTE.
I was wondering if rhub::rhub_setup()
should automatically add .github to .Rbuildignore or throw a message in the console to do so prior to using rhub::rhub_check()
in case it is not added yet.
Thanks for the feedback, I guess rhub_check()
or rhub_doctor()
could give you a hint.
OTOH you'll probably get the same note if you run R CMD check
locally, so maybe people will see it early?
I ran R CMD check
immediately before and didn't think twice and did rhub_setup()
-> rhub_doctor()
-> rhub_check()
Either way, this issue will serve as a reference when people will encounter this note locally.