
Support Ubuntu 20.04?

wlandau opened this issue · 4 comments

Ubuntu 20.04 is the latest Ubuntu runner on GitHub Actions, and I would like to use it because I am having trouble with version 18.04 (background here). Currently, it looks like sysreqs is not configured for Ubuntu 20.04 yet. When I use tmate to debug this run with 20.04, I get an error:

> x <- sysreqs::sysreq_commands('DESCRIPTION')
Error in utils::download.file(url, path, method = download_method(), quiet = quiet,  : 
  cannot open URL 'https://sysreqs.r-hub.io/pkg/targets,R,callr,cli,codetools,data.table,digest,igraph,R6,rlang,tibble,tidyselect,vctrs,withr,yaml,arrow,aws.s3,bs4Dash,clustermq,curl,dplyr,fst,future,future.callr,gt,keras,knitr,markdown,rmarkdown,pingr,pkgload,qs,rstudio
In addition: Warning message:
In utils::download.file(url, path, method = download_method(), quiet = quiet,  :
  cannot open URL 'https://sysreqs.r-hub.io/pkg/targets,R,callr,cli,codetools,data.table,digest,igraph,R6,rlang,tibble,tidyselect,vctrs,withr,yaml,arrow,aws.s3,bs4Dash,clustermq,curl,dplyr,fst,future,future.callr,gt,keras,knitr,markdown,rmarkdown,pingr,pkgload,qs,rstudio
ell,RColorBrewer,viridisLite,nlme,colorspace,reticulate,tensorflow,tfruns,zeallot,png,config,whisker,evaluate,highr,xfun,tinytex,desc,rprojroot,RApiSerialize,stringfish,RcppParallel,htmlwid [... truncated]

I don't think this has anything to do with Ubuntu 20.04, there is nothing Ubuntu-20.04 specific in this: https://github.com/ropensci/targets/blob/236c9513014051eb1a5fb7afb9963c8745660aa0/.github/workflows/check.yaml#L59-L66

Also, R-hub has been using Ubuntu 20.04 with sysreqs for a several months now.

I suggest you link to an actual error in a GHA workflow, if you have any.

The error in the actual GHA workflow with Ubuntu 20.04 is at https://github.com/ropensci/targets/runs/2544918909?check_suite_focus=true#step:8:108.

I was trying Ubuntu 18.04 before, but I am having trouble installing libzmq3-dev : https://github.com/ropensci/targets/runs/2545335792?check_suite_focus=true#step:8:122. I created a reprex in which libzmq3-dev` installs on 20.04 but not 18.04: https://github.com/wlandau/libzmq-reprex/actions/runs/827771758.

r-hub/sysreqsdb@a242e27 should fix the Python installation on 20.04.

I am not sure if I can do anything with the 18.04 libzmq3-dev issue. IDK why they have a newer version of libzmq5 on GHA, maybe they use a custom PPA. You could try to remove the older one, and install the right version with something like

apt-get install 'libzmq5=4.2.5-1ubuntu0.2'

Thanks @gaborcsardi, that seems to have worked. (I am currently working through what looks like an instance of igraph/rigraph#418, but I think you solved this particular issue.)