
Expired SSL certificate on https://sysreqs.r-hub.io/ causing failure of `sysreqs::sysreq_commands("DESCRIPTION")` GET request

ChristopherEeles opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello sysreqs maintainers,

An error being thrown by sysreqs::sysreq_commands("DESCRIPTION") in the Bioconductor Workshop GHA workflow is causing my workshop package build to fail. The same workflow was working correctly yesterday. I even revered back to the repo state which last successfully ran the GHA and the issue still persists.

See the "Install system dependencies" step in the GitHub Action log here: https://github.com/bhklab/bioc2022workshop/runs/6426283699?check_suite_focus=true

Looking at the error, it seems like an expired SSL certificate on https://sysreqs.r-hub.io/ may be the culprit.

I expect this issue will not just affect me, since the deadline for Workshops at Biocondcutor Conference 2022 is approaching in June.

Any help would be appreciated.

Christopher Eeles
Software Developer
Haibe-Kains Lab
PM-Research | UHN

The source repo for this workflow is here: https://github.com/seandavi/BuildABiocWorkshop/

Thanks and sorry for the trouble, fixed now.