
Missing backport for str2lang?

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I feel like I'm missing something, but it seems like str2lang() should be part of this list here:


Lines 64 to 76 in 45e4675

FUNS = list(
"4.1.0" = c("...names"),
"4.0.1" = c("paste", "paste0"),
"4.0.0" = c("R_user_dir", "deparse1", "list2DF", "suppressWarnings", "suppressMessages", "stopifnot"),
"3.6.0" = c("warningCondition", "errorCondition", "vignetteInfo", "dQuote", "sQuote", "removeSource", "asplit"),
"3.5.0" = c("...length", "...elt", "isFALSE", "isTRUE"),
"3.4.0" = c("hasName"),
"3.3.0" = c("startsWith", "endsWith", "strrep", "trimws", "capture.output"),
"3.2.0" = c("anyNA", "dir.exists", "file.size", "file.mode", "file.mtime", "lengths", "file.info", "URLencode", "isNamespaceLoaded"),
"3.1.0" = character(),
"3.0.0" = character(),
"0.0.0" = character()

Am I missing something about how to depend on str2lang() in versions prior to 3.6.0?