cli R package progress bars not showing through progressr handler
Opened this issue · 1 comments
rafev commented
I am having an issue where my progress bar no longer shows. I use the progressr package and use handler("cli") to display the progress bar as a CLI version for the ETA output. This worked perfectly under R v4.2.1 on my M1 mac, but now on v4.3 it does not display at all. Other progress handlers work, except for the CLI version, so I assume it's this version. Any clue what's happening?
handlers(global = TRUE)
my_1way.mods = function(modules_being_tested) {
p = progressor(along = modules_being_tested)
foreach (i = modules_being_tested) %dopar% {
set.seed(32) = train(x = train_grp[, module_df[module_df$colors == i, 1]],
y = train_pheno,
method = "glmnet",
trControl = cctrl1,
metric = "RMSE",
tuneGrid = expand.grid(.alpha = seq(.05, 1, length = 15),
.lambda = seq(0.01, 1, 0.005)))
p(sprintf("i=%s", i))
my_list[[i]] =
gaborcsardi commented
Can you try to create a minimal example that we can run?