
Unable to automate email sending process in R

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Hey guys when I tried to automate email sending process in R using {gmailr} and {taskscheduleR}, I encounter below mentioned problem.

R sends email every 3 minutes when scheduler is scheduled to run every "MINUTE". Manually it works well.

For example my script log messages:

11:14 - Script scheduled successfully -Email ID generated in R - Email Received.

11:15 - Script scheduled successfully -Email ID generated in R - Email NOT Received.

11:16 - Script scheduled successfully -Email ID generated in R - Email NOT Received.

11:17 - Script scheduled successfully -Email ID generated in R - Email Received

Any idea guys?!?
Anything to do with quota allocated by google and Python quickstart toolkit was used to create "credentials.json".

Thanks is advance.

I'm afraid I would need a lot more information to help debug this.