- 3
not using `gargle::tidyverse_app`!?
#139 opened - 3
Unable to fully automate gmailR
#138 opened - 1
feature request: insert signature
#137 opened - 1
- 0
Error in gm_save_attachments
#135 opened - 2
Add an example setting the from field?
#134 opened - 1
Schedule send feature in Gmailr?
#132 opened - 2
Problem instaling package
#131 opened - 2
Authenticate Gmailr on a new port
#130 opened - 1
Gmailr not working in docker container
#128 opened - 2
Link to quota information somewhere
#127 opened - 7
Messages only inconsistently send
#126 opened - 8
- 2
- 2
Cannot run new gmailr version with Rscript
#121 opened - 1
- 2
- 1
Release gmailr 1.0.0
#118 opened - 0
Blastula support?
#117 opened - 1
Refactor default app setup
#116 opened - 13
- 0
Consider adding gm_user()
#114 opened - 5
Can't parse messages with attachments
#112 opened - 20
Error authenticate using R.3.6.1
#111 opened - 5
- 1
Do NOT clear token
#109 opened - 1
Error in Authenticating
#107 opened - 1
- 3
Sending an email to multiple people
#104 opened - 3
periodically search my gmail inbox
#103 opened - 2
unable to authenticate through json file
#102 opened - 1
Sending R object as an .rds attachment
#101 opened - 2
- 1
Want to send visualisations using GmailR
#98 opened - 1
- 3
Text with accents issue
#96 opened - 0
Use a prefix for functions?
#95 opened - 0
readme needs more examples
#94 opened - 2
id() is deprecated
#93 opened - 3
Gmail API v1 Discovery Document
#92 opened - 1
Add .Rproj
#91 opened - 5
Scope handling
#90 opened - 0
- 2
Encoding of retrieved messages
#86 opened - 1
Error in Encoding
#85 opened - 1
as.character.mime(body, newline = "\n")
#84 opened - 6
Error in !drop : invalid argument type
#83 opened - 1
Error with httr v1.3.1
#82 opened - 10
- 0