
User-defined process name

wlandau opened this issue · 2 comments

I think it would be really nice to supply a custom name for a process, similar to the name argument of parallel::mcparallel(). That way it will be easier to find the process on htop or ps::ps(). My apologies if this is already possible and I am missing something.

How do you find a parallel::mcparallel(..., name = "foobar") process in htop or ps::ps()?

Hmmm... before I had thought this was possible, but now I am not sure. future::future() with the multicore backend calls parallel::mcparallel() and forwards the label argument of the former to the name argument of the latter. With the backends for clusters like SGE and SLURM these labels do show up as job names, but it looks like htop only has the concept of a command.