
Capturing multiline code chunks

sdavidsson90 opened this issue · 4 comments

I rely on treesitter functionality to send multiline codechunks into an interactive REPL-window using iron.nvim.
I want to be able to capture semantic blocks, specifically using the function ["af"] = "@function.outer", (described in this section) and send them to the REPL in one motion, as suggested by the plugin author in an issue I opened on the project's repo.

Sending the code:

add_10 <- function(x){
    x = x + 10


add_20 <- function(x){
    x = x + 20


Returns the output:

> function(x){
    x = x + 10
    x = x + 10

Not quite what I was expecting. Further calling the following afterwards:

iris |>



Nothing. Same with the magrittr-pipe.

This works correctly for Bash and Python, but not for R. I therefore suspect this might be a bug.
I will also admit that my grasp of treesitter is still very limited, so I might be doing someting wrong.
Does anyone have an idea on how to overcome this issue?

FYI, we figured out a way to do this in R.nvim by checking if the surrounding node is either "program" or "brace_list".

FWIW we are planning to merge the next branch into main soon, and we are going to freeze main as something like old-main, so you'll likely have to rework that a little or pin to old-main

Thanks for the heads up!

From what I can tell, I don't think there is anything wrong on the tree-sitter-r side, so I'm going to close. The R.nvim approach seems reasonable