
Unable to play sound due to api loading fail.

yehe01 opened this issue · 3 comments

screen shot 2017-10-30 at 6 57 22 pm

Do I need to configure anything like API key?

screen shot 2017-10-30 at 7 00 11 pm

Detail response content is:

{"errors":[{"meta":{"rate_limit":{"bucket":"by-client","max_nr_of_requests":15000,"time_window":"PT24H","name":"plays"},"remaining_requests":0,"reset_time":"2017/10/30 20:10:21 +0000"}}]}

BTW, i am running in dev mode.

IIRC SoundCloud limits the number of requests/day for each API key. The default API key provided in this repo is being over used. You can get your own API key via the SoundCloud Developer site.

screen shot 2017-11-06 at 1 41 24 pm

Looks like soundcloud doesn't allow creating new apps any more.
Any idea on how to get a new API key?

AFAIK I think that's the only way. TBH I'm not sure how much longer SoundCloud is going to be around, or how much longer it will remain free.