
Spanish language correction

MakerAdri opened this issue · 0 comments

First of all thank you for this card, it is very useful.

I leave you a correction of the Spanish translation for the next updates:

"cwcLocWindDirections": {
"N": "N",
"NNE": "NNE",
"NE": "NE",
"ENE": "ENE",
"E": "E",
"ESE": "ESE",
"SE": "SE",
"SSE": "SSE",
"S": "S",
"SSW": "SSO",
"SW": "SO",
"WSW": "OSO",
"W": "O",
"WNW": "ONO",
"NW": "NO",
"NNW": "NNO"

"cwcTerms": {
"Feels Like" : "Sensación térmica",
"new_moon": "Luna nueva",
"new": "Luna nueva",
"waxing_crescent": "Luna creciente",
"first_quarter": "Cuarto creciente",
"waxing_gibbous": "Luna menguante gibosa",
"full": "Luna llena",
"full_moon": "Luna llena",
"waning_gibbous": "Luna menguante gibosa",
"third_quarter": "Media luna",
"last_quarter": "Cuarto menguante",
"waning_crescent": "Luna menguante"

Thank you very much for your work.

  • EDIT sorry i added some corrections