
Current State of Development and Way Forward

bedantaguru opened this issue · 4 comments

This is a trackable version of See DevNotes

  • Test it in r-hub
  • Test for optional shiny modules (series of visual_* functions)
  • Write more tests (increase coverage)
  • Write collate_columns function to deal with similar columns in composed data.frame
  • Making a pkgdown site
  • Releasing this package to CRAN
  • Make doc test skip on CRAN.
  • Make possibility for purrr like formula, e.g. ~ .x for tidycells::value_attribute_classify
  • A compatibility function for the "Heuristic Maturation" process (after CRAN)
  • Write blog + add it to R blogger and other sites
  • Send it to the r-packages mailing list
  • Explore options to add this in CRAN Task Views (not possible now)
  • make a cheatsheet
  • Explore SDMX Converter possibility
  • Explore other formats (containing unorganised tables) possibility. Check out unoconv.
  • Write more vignettes on other topics
  • Making cell analysis little faster

Check out
rrefine (Github link) for CRAN Task Views

Created SO1 for knowledge acquisition. Seems like tidycells can not be added to an existing list of CRAN task views. However, if in future there is an option for Heuristic Algorithms (or similar) then it can be revisited.

For now, the CRAN Task View is not possible.

compatibility function is not possible. compatibility function can not be created for the same package or at least can not be done without callr. The functionality may be given in a new package. I'll do that later. check this card

In connection with

Write more tests (increase coverage)

See this :
