
documentation style update

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Explore several options to enhance documentation

{callr} has nice documentation...
It may be explored.

Check this for @theme tag in {roxygen}

It seems {roxygenlabs} is required locally from where the source is generated and then simply we need to delete it before the final release.

I always wondered It would be really nice if RStudio supports clickable links in warning or error or any massages

Look what today I found

The idea came from following image (these usually arise when clicked on traceback option on a function failure)

Seems somebody already got the same idea
see this SO

I recently started working on this (able to only give very limited efforts)

Few aspects got clarity

  1. I always wondered how $ help is working in python modules (when used reticulate). I now think I have some leads : ex src1 (also search .rs.findCustomHelpContext and .rs.getCompletionsEnvironmentVariables in there), ex src 2
  2. Linking to the above context, I'm trying custom auto-complete functions/ features. It seems that is doable at least in a patchy way in RStudio. Ref ex src
  3. As mentioned earlier {roxygenlabs}.. I was able to reproduce the same without that package (locally). Hopefully, I'll be able to create a maintenance package (package meant to decorate or service main packages.. which should not be in CRAN) for that purpose. Now I'll be exploring an alternative to pdf manual fine-tuning (if possible at all).

"Custom Autocomplete in RStudio" finally I'm able to do
See r-rudra/patch