
Feature request (addLogo): ability to change logo depending on selected baselayer

jzadra opened this issue · 5 comments

I'd like to have a different logo (or legend) depending on which baselayer is selected. (Is there a way to do this already?).

Are you using addLogo to show a legend for the respective baselayers? Or what is the use- case?

My goal is to have a logo (or html control) that includes the layer title so as to make the layer title more prominent and separate from the layers control box.

Something akin to this:

Where the logo in the top right is dependent on the selected baseGroup

I think leaflet::addControl would be better suited for this type of thing. How good is your JavaScript knowledge? I think you'd need to attach all images to your map and then have some JS code to select the right one when the baseGroup changes. Not trivial, but doable I think

Thanks, yeah I was using addControl for the image I shared. Unfortunately my JS knowledge is non-existent :(. I will ask for help on SO.

SO is a good place for this I guess. Could you share the link to your question here, so I can follow. This really is a fun problem.