

Closed this issue · 6 comments

thank you for this great package
is there a way to add footnotes (free text) below the map? I want to put it side by side with a logo (one at the bottom left, the other at the bottom right.)
thank you!

I believe you can use leaflet::addAttribution() for that.

this is working:

        addTiles(attribution = 'Hello')

thank you
may I ask one mroe thing: I wanted to add a logo. it works well with :

        leafem::addLogo(img ="mylogo.png",src = "local",position = "bottomright" ,width =800)

but it does not show up in any html or rmarkdown document.
is there a way to make it work? with knitr?? all advices are welcome.
I only have my logo saved locally...


Yeah, I've been meaning to address this for a while now... Not sure when I will find the time for it though

thank you!

I found a workaround for the logo (by using an online version).
I am trying to finalize the attrition and I would like to remove the hyperlink to leaflet website but still include some text below the map.

If I do

                           options = leaflet::leafletOptions(attributionControl=F))|>
                       addTiles(attribution = 'Hello world')

it does remove the hyperlink but then my text is not showing up either.

is there a way to
(1) only include the text without leaflet prefix?
(2) if not , remove the attrition but include a free text below the map?

thank you!