
starsdata not available, stars fails revdeps.

Opened this issue · 7 comments

With GDAL 3.9.0 Beta1 I get:


Is this a starsdata (version?) problem? I tried reinstalling but the prime site is down:

> install.packages("starsdata", repos = "http://gis-bigdata.uni-muenster.de/pebesma")
Installing package into '/home/rsb/lib/r_libs'
(as 'lib' is unspecified)
Warning: unable to access index for repository http://gis-bigdata.uni-muenster.de/pebesma/src/contrib:
  cannot open URL 'http://gis-bigdata.uni-muenster.de/pebesma/src/contrib/PACKAGES'
Warning message:
package 'starsdata' is not available for this version of R

A version of this package for your version of R might be available elsewhere,
see the ideas at
install.packages("starsdata", repos = "http://cran.uni-muenster.de/pebesma")

should do it and you may need to set options(timeout = 600) or so.

Trying from http://pebesma.staff.ifgi.de now, still 0.0-1 there. On http://cran.uni-muenster.de/pebesma the version is 0.0-2, so I'll report back when that installs. The example may need a version check on the package, as the No such file or directory suggests that the file used is not present in 0.0-1. The package is also larger, 1058.4 MB download, as against 1037.4 MB for 0.0-1.

Of the initial 16 errors on ~ 900 sf and terra packages, most were unprotected suggests, re-running those failures now after installing the suggested packages that should have been conditioned. My R_LIBS now > 4500.

For me it checked clean under gdal 3.9.0beta1.

Good, I expect it will for me too, but I had starsdata_0.0-1 installed; with 0.0-2:

Only remaining issues:

of which only the former may be related to the GDAL version (if it is now checking better than before).

PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.core#275 has been resolved with v2.0.5 just accepted to CRAN