
Need a function that gets correlation scores - perhaps get_correlation()?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

show_correlation() currently only plots the correlation scores against one another, but I need a way to remove variables that are highly correlated to one another.

There now is a function called calculate_correlation() which works similar to show_correlation(), but returns a tibble with all the correlations. This can be used easily to remove all highly correlated metrics.

Please use devtools::install_github("r-spatialecology/landscapemetrics", ref = "get_correlation") to install the development version of the package. Please be aware that the function might still contain bugs.


metrics <- landscapemetrics::calculate_lsm(landscape, level = "class")
#> Warning: Please use check_landscape() to ensure the input data is valid.
#> Warning: Class 1: PAFRAC = NA for class with < 10 patches
#> Warning: Class 3: PAFRAC = NA for class with < 10 patches

correlations <- landscapemetrics::calculate_correlation(metrics, method = "pearson", 
                                                        simplify = TRUE, diag = FALSE)

correlations[correlations$value > -0.1 & correlations$value < 0.1, ]
#>       metric_1  metric_2        value
#> 22    dcore_cv        ai -0.046163683
#> 90   gyrate_sd   area_cv  0.064254227
#> 91         iji   area_cv  0.092523768
#> 96        nlsi   area_cv  0.075073518
#> 105   shape_cv   area_cv  0.070463638
#> 107   shape_sd   area_cv -0.070501797
#> 154    para_cv   area_mn -0.025259591
#> 187   dcore_cv   area_sd -0.063030919
#> 209    para_cv   area_sd -0.094066851
#> 288   cohesion    cai_cv -0.080549709
#> 305    frac_cv    cai_cv  0.004467640
#> 317         np    cai_cv  0.020446896
#> 322         pd    cai_cv  0.020446896
#> 373     pafrac    cai_mn  0.045093237
#> 483     pafrac circle_cv -0.057790673
#> 538     pafrac circle_mn  0.086432943
#> 648     pafrac    clumpy  0.092574740
#> 758     pafrac contig_cv -0.006872416
#> 912    frac_sd   core_cv -0.005155770
#> 979    para_cv   core_mn -0.035027459
#> 1012  dcore_cv   core_sd -0.059738849
#> 1034   para_cv   core_sd -0.097350000
#> 1089   para_cv    cpland  0.085957749
#> 1143    pafrac      dcad -0.082199494
#> 1192       lpi  dcore_cv -0.025369803
#> 1196      nlsi  dcore_cv -0.004253198
#> 1207  shape_sd  dcore_cv  0.008836981
#> 1254   para_cv  dcore_mn  0.002660876
#> 1309   para_cv  dcore_sd -0.041593737
#> 1364   para_cv  division  0.036600895
#> 1693    pafrac   frac_mn  0.079193939
#> 1795 gyrate_sd gyrate_cv  0.053902381
#> 1796       iji gyrate_cv  0.082193455
#> 1801      nlsi gyrate_cv  0.085410038
#> 1810  shape_cv gyrate_cv  0.060115806
#> 1812  shape_sd gyrate_cv -0.080842022
#> 1859   para_cv gyrate_mn  0.001317579
#> 2134   para_cv      mesh -0.036600895
#> 2188    pafrac      ndca -0.082199494
#> 2413     pladj   para_cv  0.009455186
#> 2416  shape_mn   para_cv -0.037520916
#> 2419       tca   para_cv  0.085957749

Created on 2019-05-14 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

Feel free to re-open at any time, but will close this for now.

Just a side note @vjjan91 - I do not think removing all of the correlated variables is a good idea. If they are highly correlated, they probably indicate some property...