
can the results be visualization?

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I have calculate the landscape matric values using the sample_lsm,and then I acquire a dataframe,like this,I'm interseted in one question:can the dataframe link with my tiles,or translate to the shapeflie,any ways to visualize the calculation result.

Thank you.


Using sf objects this is quite straightforward. You just need to transform the resulting tibble to the wide format, i.e. each row corresponds to a sample point and the values are in the columns . Then, you can simply combine the columns of the sf object and metrics and finally plot the result.

The following code is adapted from an example created by @Nowosad.


# create grid (polygons) to sample metrics
sample_grid <- st_make_grid(augusta_nlcd, n = c(5,5))

sample_grid <- st_sf(geom = sample_grid)

# sample metrics for each grid cell
sample_metrics <- sample_lsm(landscape = augusta_nlcd, y = sample_grid, 
                             level = "landscape", type = "aggregation metric", 
                             verbose = FALSE)

# reshape from long to wide
sample_metrics <- pivot_wider(sample_metrics, 
                              names_from = metric, 
                              values_from = value)

# add to sf object
sample_grid <- bind_cols(sample_grid, sample_metrics)

# plot results

Created on 2020-01-13 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

@VC826 feel free to reopen the issue if the above answer is not enough.