
Bug in new CCL

Closed this issue · 5 comments

There seems to be a problem with the following example and the new CCL, @bitbacchus. It seems that the large patch on the left-hand side gets separated into several patches (see the "rainbow colour" of the IDs).


#> Loading required package: sp

nlcd <- raster::raster("~/Downloads/nlcd.tif")

show_patches(nlcd, directions = 8, 
             class = 42, labels = FALSE)

# used to be 222
max(raster::values(get_patches(nlcd, class = 42)[[1]]), na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] 747

Created on 2020-01-03 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Actually, also augusta_nlcd looks odd to me. I'm quite sure we did compare the algorithms for augusta_nlcd, didn't we?

show_patches(augusta_nlcd, class = 42, labels = FALSE)

Would it be possible that the error is related only to the colors, not the underlining code?

show_patches(augusta_nlcd, class = "all", labels = FALSE)

Created on 2020-01-03 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

@mhesselbarth I'll have a look tonight.

@Nowosad unfortunately, it seems the problem is in the rcpp code...

I don’t think so. The first example is from some teaching material I prepared some time ago. There used to be 222 patches in class 42 and now there are 747.

I looked into the code and I think I must have mixed up a row for a column somewhere. I can't spot it at a first glance, however. But I'm confident to fix this in the next couple of days. Until then, this is broken, however :-(