
Visualizing edge

fabiolexcastro opened this issue · 2 comments

Dear Maximillian,

Could you provide me an advice to visualize the patch edge as a raster file to compare with the patch area. We are looking at the library functions and we haven't found it. Thanks a lot.

Good times,
Fabio Castro / Erika Arias

Does this answer your question?


show_cores(landscape, class = 1)

class_1 <- get_patches(landscape, class = 1)[[1]]
#> [[1]]
#> class      : RasterLayer 
#> dimensions : 30, 30, 900  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
#> resolution : 1, 1  (x, y)
#> extent     : 0, 30, 0, 30  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> crs        : NA 
#> source     : memory
#> names      : layer 
#> values     : 0, 1  (min, max)

Created on 2020-09-21 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Thanks a lot, it works