
Video handling for the Signbank sign language dictionary

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


https://badge.fury.io/py/signbank-video.png https://travis-ci.org/Signbank/signbank-video.png?branch=master

A Django application to handle video storage, designed to support the Signbank sign language dictionary application. This basically provides a video store where videos can be associated with a category and a tag - both string values. The category is intended to be something like the name of the model that you want to associate the video with (eg. Gloss), the tag is a unique identifier (eg. the sign IDgloss). Videos can be referenced by the combination of category and tag labels.


Install signbank-video:

pip install signbank-video

Then use it in a project:

import video

You must define the following variables in settings.py:

  • FFMPEG_PROGRAM = "/usr/bin/ffmpeg
  • FFMPEG_OPTIONS = ["-vcodec", "h264", "-an"]
  • VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO = 3.0/4.0

These variables control ffmpeg, a program that the video app requires and uses for extracting a frame from a video (a frame is a thumbnail). You can download it here: https://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html. The value of FFMPEG_PROGRAM on my system is /usr/bin/ffmpeg, but on your system it might be different; it all depends on where the installer puts the ffmpeg executable.

Your must also define these following variables in settings.py:

  • MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), media)

MEDIA_ROOT is the root directory for your media, so for the video app it's the root directory for all of the videos. VIDEO_UPLOAD_LOCATION, and GLOSS_VIDEO_DIRECTORY are directories inside of MEDIA_ROOT that contain user uploaded videos, and videos of each sign, respectively.

You must also define these following variables in settings.py:

  • LANGUAGE_NAME = "Auslan"
  • COUNTRY_NAME = "Australia"
  • SITE_TITLE = "Signbank"

Finally, you must also add video to the INSTALLED_APPS variable of settings.py.


  • TODO

Running Tests

Does the code actually work?

source <YOURVIRTUALENV>/bin/activate
(myenv) $ pip install -r requirements_test.txt
(myenv) $ python runtests.py


Tools used in rendering this package: