Evaluation error: Unable to convert R object to Python type.
JacobusS opened this issue · 0 comments
JacobusS commented
I'm getting an error where you read the files and decode them as images:
training_dataset <- training(data) %>% tensor_slices_dataset() %>% dataset_map(~.x %>% list_modify( img = tf$image$decode_jpeg(tf$io$read_file(.x$img)), mask = tf$image$decode_gif(tf$io$read_file(.x$mask))[1,,,][,,1,drop=FALSE] ))
at this point I'm getting the following error:
~.x %>% list_modify(img = tf$image$decode_jpeg(tf$io$read_file(.x$img)),
mask = tf$image$decode_gif(tf$io$read_file(.x$mask))[1,
, , ][, , 1, drop = FALSE])
<environment: 0x00000078b17da800>
Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) :
Evaluation error: Unable to convert R object to Python type.
Any Idea what I can do to solve this