
Multi-task batching

Opened this issue · 4 comments

In the paper, you mention that IA^3 is compatible with multi-task batching, a requirement to be comparable to ICL. Unfortunately, the current implementation of Huggingface PEFT does not support this, and it would apparently be a big refactoring to do so huggingface/peft#759.

Do you know of an implementation or example that shows how to do this?

Hi @einarbmag, sorry for the long delay.
I could be wrong, but I think mixture-of-experts might have an implementation for this to use different experts within a batch. @muqeeth might know more about this.

Hi @einarbmag, here is one possible implementation we can use for a batch containing examples from multiple tasks:

Assume B is the batch size, N is the number of tasks, and H is the hidden dimension at which IA^3 is applied.

  • Task indices T are represented by a B x N tensor. This tensor is one-hot, where the index corresponding to the task index is set to 1 for each example.
  • IA^3 vectors V are defined as an N x H tensor.

We can obtain the required IA^3 vectors for each example by using L_batch = torch.matmul(T, V).

Then, we modify the input activations, which have the shape (B x num_tokens x H), by multiplying them with L_batch unsqueezing along the sequence dimension.

Hi I have to use the mixed task batch so I'll do it if I need to,..
Did you implement IA3 mixed task batch?

Hi @dodoyeon sorry we did not, but Muqeeth's sketch above can provide a starting point!