
Remove unsigned in name with action or in app

nilsi opened this issue · 2 comments

nilsi commented


The APK i built (with ./gradlew assembleProdRelease) in a previous step is named myapp-prod-release-unsigned.apk.
After I sign it with this plugin it becomes myapp-prod-release-unsigned-signed.apk

What is the prefer way to change the naming here?
Should I do this in my app's build.gradle file or is it something the action can do.

Thank you!

You can simply add an extra step to rename your file.

- name: Rename APK
  run: mv ${{steps.sign_app.outputs.signedReleaseFile}} YOUR_FILE_HERE

You can also specify a name when exporting the artifact (depending on how you are exporting it).
For actions/upload-artifact@v2:-

  - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
      name: Signed apk name
      path: ${{steps.sign_app.outputs.signedReleaseFile}}
nilsi commented

Super, I was thinking the same. I think I will add a rename step to the pipeline. Thank you!