
Build is not signing

rubverma opened this issue · 5 comments

My android build signing is failing now. Below is the debug log

Preparing to sign key @ bin/Debug with signing key
Found 2 release files.

Verifying alignment of bin/Debug/com.vermaru.xamarinandroidcicddemo-Signed.apk (4)...

Verification succesful
/bin/cp bin/Debug/com.vermaru.xamarinandroidcicddemo-Signed.apk bin/Debug/com.vermaru.xamarinandroidcicddemo-Signed-aligned.apk
/Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/29.0.3/apksigner sign --ks bin/Debug/signingKey.jks --ks-key-alias *** --ks-pass pass:*** --out bin/Debug/com.vermaru.xamarinandroidcicddemo-Signed-signed.apk --key-pass pass:*** bin/Debug/com.vermaru.xamarinandroidcicddemo-Signed-aligned.apk
/Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/29.0.3/apksigner verify bin/Debug/com.vermaru.xamarinandroidcicddemo-Signed-signed.apk
/Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/29.0.3/zipalign -c -v 4 bin/Debug/com.vermaru.xamarinandroidcicddemo.apk
Verifying alignment of bin/Debug/com.vermaru.xamarinandroidcicddemo.apk (4)...
Verification FAILED
Error: The process '/Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/29.0.3/zipalign' failed with exit code 1

Ideally It should do verification for non signed apk files i.e. com.vermaru.xamarinandroidcicddemo.apk

The same was working fine till 3days back. I guess this is happening due to #49

Note: - I'm creating single apk.

@r0adkll , Please have a look in this. I'm block currently due to this issue. Let me know if any other information needed.


Hmmm, you could try overriding the build tools version in your yaml configuration, so something like:


      # override default build-tools version (29.0.3) -- optional
      BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION: "30.0.2"

or you could try pointing this task to the old version via @v1.0.4

Thank you @r0adkll for quick response.

I tried overriding build tools version in yaml configuration but that didn't work. Time being i'm pointing it to 36fdfa1 to unblocking my team.

So why this happens? Trying to sign already-signed apk?

Just ran into the same issue and I can't seem to figure out why it is happening. I have tried all proposed solutions, but nothing is working for me.