What is Server Node 1?
SoftwareRat opened this issue · 3 comments
scp rancher@<SERVER_NODE_1_PUBLIC_IP>:/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml ~/.kube/config
and what is server node 1?
The server-nodes are at the availability domain 2 (AD-2) and the agent node are created in AD-1.
Cannot you just say which processor arch is for the server and which one for the agent nudes?
The server node 1 is the first virtual machine where the controlplane is running.
The cpu architecture of the controlplane node is x64 ans for the Agent nodes arm64. If you need more information you can find it in the variables files in the compute directory.
scp -i /Users/REDACTED/.ssh/REDACTED.key rancher@REDACTED:/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml ~/.kube/config
ssh: connect to host REDACTED port 22: Operation timed out
scp: Connection closed
Did I missed some step? @r0b2g1t
I had to manually allow all IP's to get access to SSH. Now I see there is no rancher user and no ~/.kube/ folder