
security rules and kubectl

axlroden opened this issue · 1 comments

Your security rules are not allowing kubectl to reach the cluster externally.

Also the public ip of the machine would need to be added to its allowed cert/listeners.

Havn't looked into how your creating the K3s but:
curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--tls-san x.x.x.x" sh -s -
with x.x.x.x being the public IP would give you access.

or edit what k3s is serving directly:
kubectl -n kube-system edit secrets/k3s-serving

Yes, you have to setup a security rule to reach your cluster from another system by your self.

The cluster is using k3os, which has an smaller OS overhead, you have to edit the "secrets/k3s-serving" resource.