
core/abort fails on client/request

rjohnsondev opened this issue · 4 comments

It took me a while to realise that the abort function here https://github.com/r0man/cljs-http/blob/master/src/cljs_http/core.cljs#L9 is not compatible with channels generated by client/request and friends (due to the response wrappers? https://github.com/r0man/cljs-http/blob/master/src/cljs_http/client.cljs#L97; since 9fe48a7 ?)

I saw the commits by @Deraen with the additional cancel channel which can be used to cancel a request and managed to get that method working; however I would have preferred not to have created an extra channel... (also should this be called abort rather than cancel?)

Anyway, can I recommend a change in the documentation to advise unsuspecting ppl that core/abort shouldn't be used against client/request; and request that it's either made compatible, or an additional abort function that works with client/request be added to client.clj?

Patch welcome!

I think something like this might work; haven't checked that it doesn't break things horribly yet: https://github.com/rjohnsondev/cljs-http/compare/fix/abort-request?expand=1

That is interesting implementation. It could work.

One note: it would be best to do get, assoc and dissoc in one "transaction": e.g.

(defn abortable-async-map [f c]
  (let [new-c (async/map f [c])]
    (swap! core/pending-requests (fn [p] (-> p (dissoc c) (assoc new-c (get p c))))

FYI I did try this however it causes a bunch of the tests to fail for some reason, will dig into it more when I have time