
Connection error : make sure your internet connection is working

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I had downloaded from the acloud guru with this tool and it was working well. Today, I has tried to download from the acloud guru again but I got the error: "Connection error : make sure your internet connection is working". My internet connection is working well. Please help to fix this issue.

it's an ssl verify issue. not been able to resolve yet in windows 11.

i think probably url lib looking for certificate. might be easier to use a different library than to resolve it in the end.

can try this than reboot and run script again

pip install pyOpenSSL

here's how i fixed it

step#1: run in cmd:

pip install certifi

step #2 edit this file in acloud folder _compat.py

at top add this import under import requests

import certifi

then scroll to the bottom and add in certifi,

save the file

step #3 edit this file in acloud folder _shared.py

at top add this import under requests,


step #4 in same file _shared.py

add this below the imports

os.environ["REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE"] = certifi.where()
os.environ["SSL_CERT_FILE"] = certifi.where()

then save and ssl issue will be gone. tested on windows only