
Connection error : make sure your internet connection is working.

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I'm running this on a remote Ubuntu server

The command:
$ python lynda-dl.py -o myuniversity.edu -u myusername -p thepassword https://www.lynda.com/Writing-tutorials/Writing-Compelling-Blog-Post/642461-2.html

The output:
[*] : Trying to login as organization (myuniversity.edu)...
[-] : Connection error : make sure your internet connection is working.

The interenet is obviously working since I can ssh to the remote server.

Any tips?

@RobertHosking can you please explain a bit more like which ubuntu server it is? python version etc?

  • have you updated all the requirements.txt. if not then upgrade to latest one.
  • try upgrading requests[security] & then try to download.

Thanks for the quick response! My organization access is being revoked soon (graduated) and I'm trying to milk it while I can!

  • Ubuntu 16.04 on Digital Ocean
  • Python 2.7.12
  • pip version 18.0

sudo pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall -r requirements.txt
I run the same command in my OP and get the same error:
[-] : Connection error : make sure your internet connection is working.

@RobertHosking i will try to reproduce and fix ASAP.

@RobertHosking I had the same issue while downloading the course , to fix id i had to upgrade to python3 , hope that is working for you

I too have been facing the same issue! Is there any fix ??

Let me paste some evidences here..

[root@localhost acloud-dl]# python3 acloud-dl.py -c file_containing_cookie.txt --info

          __                __          ____

____ / / __ / / ____/ / /
/ __ `/ / / __ / / / / __ /
/ __ / /
/ /
/ / /
/ / /
/ / /
/ / /
/ /
/ // / /
/_,/_,/ _,/_/

                             Version : 0.1
                             Author  : Nasir Khan (r0ot h3x49)
                             Github  : https://github.com/r0oth3x49

[-] : Connection error : make sure your internet connection is working.
[root@localhost acloud-dl]#

I was facing cookies issues initially, but got that sorted. Below was the error..

[-] : Cookies error, Request Headers is required...
[i] : Copy Request Headers for single request to a file, while you are logged in.

So I was able to get through with the help of r0oth3x49/udemy-dl#303 (comment)

But now i am stuck here.

Note: When I disconnect and reconnect my internet, it does pass through one more step, but again throw me the same error. Let me demonstrate that..

[root@localhost acloud-dl]# python3 acloud-dl.py -c file_containing_cookie.txt --info

          __                __          ____

____ / / __ / / ____/ / /
/ __ `/ / / __ / / / / __ /
/ __ / /
/ /
/ / /
/ / /
/ / /
/ / /
/ /
/ // / /
/_,/_,/ _,/_/

                             Version : 0.1
                             Author  : Nasir Khan (r0ot h3x49)
                             Github  : https://github.com/r0oth3x49

[*] : Downloading accessible courses information .. (done)
[1] : Introduction to Kubernetes
[2] : Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)
[?] : select course number or range (1/2/range): 1+

[*] : Course 'Introduction to Kubernetes'.
[-] : Connection error : make sure your internet connection is working.

This is just after I restart my internet connection..

Really appreciate your work! Hope to pass through this too.
Thank you in advance!