Context's transitivity is broken
liuzzzz opened this issue · 3 comments
liuzzzz commented
MethodInvocationSubscriber, QueryInvocationSubscriber and ResultInvocationSubscriber implements CoreSubscriber but not override currentContext. So, it always returns Context0。
ttddyy commented
@liuzzzz Thanks for the report.
Can you provide a sample code or snippet to show the use case?
I have a change in my local.
I'd like to double-check the usage.
liuzzzz commented
void contextWriteWithQueryExecution() throws Throwable {
ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = mock(ConnectionInfo.class);
ProxyConfig proxyConfig = ProxyConfig.builder().build();
Batch batch = mock(Batch.class);
AtomicReference<Boolean> contextHasKey = new AtomicReference<>();
Publisher<Result> mockExecution = Flux.deferWithContext(context -> {
boolean hasKey = context.hasKey(Optional.class);
// if MethodInvocationSubscriber and QueryInvocationSubscriber override CoreSubscriber#currentContext the {hasKey} will be true;
// now it's false
return Flux.empty();
OngoingStubbing<Publisher<? extends Result>> when = when(batch.execute());
when.thenReturn(mockExecution); // mock batch execution
BatchCallbackHandler callback = new BatchCallbackHandler(batch, connectionInfo, proxyConfig);
Object result = callback.invoke(batch, EXECUTE_METHOD, new String[]{});
Flux<?> test = Flux.from((Publisher<?>) result)
// maybe set dynamic datasource key (that's why I found it) or other something
.subscriberContext(context -> context.put(Optional.class, Optional.of("test")));
StepVerifier.create((Publisher<? extends Result>) test)