
Automatically generates a JSON schema from models

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Incredible job! I really like this approach.

Do you have any plan to provide a feature that automatically generates a JSON schema from model files? (like ActiveRecord, Mongoids)
I know some fields are missing in models, but I think we can do as yard do: commenting syntax.

JSON schema itself is really cool, but its syntax isn't good enough, and not DRY. (I feel like writing a document.)

I agree with you that writing JSON Schema by hand is a little hard work for human beings, and I know it's not DRY approach. (BTW, I usually use YAML to represent JSON schema rather than JSON)

Do you have any plan to provide a feature that automatically generates a JSON schema from model files?

I think we might want to auto-generate JSON Schema in some way too, but it should not be done by rack-json_schema but some other tools like Heroku's prmd or some other tools.

I also have a plan to create a tool that automatically generates JSON Schema from request-spec, while this is just an idea and this doesn't focus on model files. This idea is inspired from autodoc, a documentation tool that generates markdown docs from request-specs, and sitespec, a blogging tool that generates static HTML/CSS files from rspec test cases 💡

🍣 👍

I'll close this issue because it seems to be ended, but feel free to reopen it again.