
Restful APIs in built using Nodejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Backend Acronym APIs

Rest API for Acronyms.

How to start

  1. Clone or download using link: https://github.com/r97draco/backend-api
    git clone https://github.com/r97draco/backend-api
  2. Run following command to install node modules in the root directory of Project.
    npm install
  3. Run following in terminal to start the server on localhost:3000
    node server.js

To run in development mode we can start server using nodemon

  1. Run following in terminal to start the server on localhost:3000 using nodemon
    npm run dev

API Endpoints

  1. GET http://localhost:3000/acronym?search=&limit=100

It will take 3 Parameters limit, page and search. By deafault it will return limit= 10, page=1 and first 10 Results that are in database.
  1. POST http://localhost:3000/acronym
    send raw data in body using json format. we can send id but if no id is given it will automatically generate a random one.
    Eg: POST call http://localhost:3000/acronym.
    attach raw json { "acronym" ="OMW", "definition": "On my Way" } to the body of the request.
    This request will create acronym with a random unique ID and add it to the Database

  2. PATCH http://localhost:3000/acronym/
    Eg. PATCH call http://localhost:3000/acronym/123 Add id of acronym to be patched at end which 123
    attach json { "acronym" ="lmk", "definition": "Let me Know" } to the body of the request.
    This request will update acronym with _id=123 with the given data.

  3. DELETE http://localhost:3000/acronym/
    add _id of the acronym to be deleted at the end for eg:-
    http://localhost:3000/acronym/123 will delete acronym with id-123 if its present

Postman json file also has all of these endpoint's ready for testing

Import it as a file the Postman App.

File structure :

  1. server.js is the root file which will start the server.
  2. data.json is where our data is store, change the file content to update the data.
  3. routes/acronyms.js is the file containing API routes for /acronym
  4. controllers/method.js contains all the function and methods for Database query and manipulation.


  • express@4.18.2
  • nodemon@2.0.21