
[Feature request] Keep most recent tabs loaded

robbely opened this issue · 2 comments

As previously requested and closed #356

This isn't the same (as had been given as reason for closing) as the first option in the options menu:

The first option will discard ALL tabs when a limit is reached, I'm looking for the option to always keep a mimimum of a fixed number of tabs open.

Original post:

In a previous xul addon - "Auto Unload Tab" it was possible to set a number of recent tabs that would remain open - eg if it was 10 and the timer was set to 10 mins, the 10 most recently visited tabs would remain loaded after the 10 mins. If an 11th was created/reloaded - the oldest of the 10 would then be subject to unloading.

Could this feature be added to auto-tab-discard?

I would like to second this request. I thought this is how the extension worked but was dissapointed to find out that it discarded ALL tabs that are inactive, and not anything "OVER x amount as detailed in option 1"