municipality_key data seems to hold duplicates for year 2016
jhimberg opened this issue · 1 comments
#trying URL ''
select(municipality_key, kunta, year, municipality_name_fi) %>%
arrange(kunta, year)
A tibble: 2,828 x 3
kunta year municipality_name_fi
1 5 2013 Alajärvi
2 5 2014 Alajärvi
3 5 2015 Alajärvi
4 5 2016 Alajärvi
5 5 2016 Alajärvi
6 5 2017 Alajärvi
#trying URL ''
Thank you for noting this! There were no changes needed for the code, rerunning the script generating the scripts was enough. Could have been a issue with Statistics Finland classification api or most probably a user error in executing the script in the first place. Fixed here 09cf526 and v1.01.1
on it's way to CRAN