
[Idea] Make `referenceSize(in bounds:)` returns nil by default

ra1028 opened this issue · 0 comments



Make referenceSize(in bounds:) returns nil by default in Component.
The table view and collection view are use their own size setting by default.

  • UITableView uses UITableView.rowHeight, default is UITableViewAutomaticDimenstion.
  • UICollectionView(flow layout) uses UICollectionViewFlowLayout.itemSize, default is CGSize(width: 50, height: 50).
struct Label: Component, Equitable {
    var text: String

    func renderContent() -> UILabel {
        return UILabel()

    func render(in content: UILabel) {
        content.text = text

-    // Default is nil, it fallback to `UITableView.rowHeight`.
-    func referenceSize(in bounds: CGRect) -> CGSize? {
-        return CGSize(width: bounds.width, height: 44)
-    }

Motivation and Context

Wants to simplify the creation of Component like as List in SwiftUI.

Proposed Solution

Make Component.referenceSize returns nil by default.


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