
Generic parameter 'Element' could not be inferred

wousser opened this issue · 5 comments


Expected Behavior

While updating from RC2 to RC4, the next issue happens.

Current Behavior

Array of class [ClassName], using the group function to list as cells.

cells: {
                        Group(of: state.todos.enumerated()) { offset, todo in
                            TodoText(todo: todo, isCompleted: false)

Detailed Description (Include Screenshots)

However, using another class results in this error:
Generic parameter 'Element' could not be inferred. Explicitly specify the generic arguments to fix this issue
When explicitly specifying arguments I get the following error:
Unable to infer closure type in the current context.

What am I doing wrong?


  • Carbon version:


The compiler may have output an incorrect error.
Is TodoText conform to Identifiable Component?
TodoText(todo: todo, isCompleted: false).identified(by: \.todo.id)
Isn't there any other parameters wrong?

BTW, thank you for opening some issues.
However, they were the general question related to the Swift type system, so please try-and-error by referring to the API doc before opening the issue.

Thanks for your quick answers.

The reason I'm asking here is that it worked with RC2, I didn't expect any breaking changes in an RC.

I'm trying to rewrite this part:

struct UpcomingEvent {
    typealias ID = UUID

    var id: ID
    var date: Date
    var events: [Any] // Contact, (Reminder, Contact), (Date, Contact)

struct State {
  var upcomingEvents = [UpcomingEvent]()
Section(id: "upcoming") { section in
                section.header = ViewNode(UpcomingHeader())

                state.upcomingEvents.forEach({ event in
                        CellNode(UpcomingDateCard(date: event.date))

                    event.events.forEach({ (eventType) in

                        if let contact = eventType as? Contact {
                                CellNode(UpcomingContactCellNode(contact: contact))

                        if let reminder = eventType as? (Reminder, Contact) {
                                CellNode(UpcomingReminderCellNode(reminder: reminder))

                        if let birthday = eventType as? (Date, Contact) {
                                CellNode(UpcomingBirthday(birthday: birthday))

All CellNode's conform to Identifiable Component.

I tried to rewrite it as Group(of: ) but wasn't able to. Maybe you can share the best way to go ahead?

Dynamic type casting isn't compatible with function builder because if let and switch statements are not allowed.
I recommended to rewrite using enum, but you can also take the following workaround with legacy API.
This hasn't actually try to compiled, but it probably works.

    id: "upcoming",
    header: ViewNode(UpcomingHeader()),
    cells: state.upcomingEvents.flatMap { event -> [CellNode] in
        event.events.compactMap { eventType -> CellNode? in
            if let contact = eventType as? Contact {
                return CellNode(UpcomingContact(contact: contact))

            if let reminder = eventType as? (Reminder, Contact) {
                return CellNode(UpcomingReminder(reminder: reminder))

            if let birthday = eventType as? (Date, Contact) {
                return CellNode(UpcomingBirthday(birthday: birthday))

            return  nil

Another approach with function builder.

func component(for eventType: Any) -> AnyComponent? {
    if let contact = eventType as? Contact {
        return AnyComponent(UpcomingContactCellNode(contact: contact))

    if let reminder = eventType as? (Reminder, Contact) {
        return AnyComponent(UpcomingReminderCellNode(reminder: reminder))

    if let birthday = eventType as? (Date, Contact) {
        return AnyComponent(UpcomingBirthday(birthday: birthday))

    return  nil

    id: "upcoming",
    cells: {
        Group(of: state.upcomingEvents) { event in
            Group(of: event.events.compactMap { eventType in
                component(for: eventType)

Thanks for your help. That approach works great.