Weird behaviour as I scroll up
Dimillian opened this issue · 3 comments
I'm making a fairly complexe UITableView, and I have some weird behaviours.
As I scroll down, mostly no problem. As I scroll up I get really weird behaviours, like blank space (missing components?) and wrongly sized component.
Here is two images, one normal and one as I scroll up.
Here is some code, this is a big project, it would be very hard for me to extract and isolate this code to make a self contain package in order to reproduce it.
But maybe something is wrong in my approach.
And also the code of one of my component as an example
struct ReadingActivityQuoteComponent: IdentifiableComponent {
let quote: Quote?
let isTop: Bool
var id: String {
quote?.id ?? "quoteLoading"
class View: UIView {
var quote: Quote? {
didSet {
var isTop: Bool = false {
didSet {
if isTop {
cardView.maskedCorners = [.topLeft, .topRight]
} else {
cardView.maskedCorners = []
let quoteLabel = QuoteDarkerLeft(frame: .zero)
let cardView = CardView(frame: .zero)
init() {
cardView.maskedCorners = []
quoteLabel.numberOfLines = 0
constrain(self, cardView, quoteLabel) { parent, card, quote in ==
card.left == parent.readableContentGuide.left + 12
card.right == parent.readableContentGuide.right - 12
card.bottom == parent.bottom == + 12
quote.left == card.left + 12
quote.right == card.right - 12
quote.bottom == card.bottom - 12
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
func render() {
quoteLabel.text = quote?.text
func renderContent() -> ReadingActivityQuoteComponent.View {
func render(in content: ReadingActivityQuoteComponent.View) {
content.quote = quote
content.isTop = isTop
Coming from a lot of SwiftUI lately, Carbon is really awesome to use in the UIKit world. But I'm having quite some issues right now.
Again, I have no idea if my architecture is wrong or if I'm hitting some underlying Carbon or UITableView related bugs.
I'm self sizing every component with auto layout using Cartography.
Hi @Dimillian ,
Thanks for sharing your codebase and screenshots.
It's hard to me to assert a clear cause from looking your part of code in your large code base.
I'm also building a fairly complex UI using Carbon, but I didn't encounter such a strange behaviors.
However, I have been reported from Carbon user that encounter similar bugs when use both UITableViewAutomaticDimension
and diffing batch update.
Please try to use the UITableViewReloadDataUpdater
or reducing the use of self-sizing by using referenceSize
Thanks for the answer,
I have a lot of dynamic text and content, so calculating the height manually sound like a step back from self sizing UITableView.
But I'll provide reference size to some static components and see if it improves.
The UITableViewReloadDataUpdater didn't helped at all :(
Hi @Dimillian !
I had similar bugs before.
As @ra1028 says, the compatibility of diffing update and UITableViewAutomaticDimension
is very bad. So , My solution implemented referenceSize using systemLayoutSizeFitting and at the same time disabled UITableViewAutomaticDimension
Or if you use UICollectionView
, you can avoid it by resizing attribute in preferedLayoutAttributesFitting :)
As an example, preferedLayoutAttributesFitting
used in DataSourceKit Demo
Thank you !