
Qucs Triangle Wave Example won't work Qucs-S

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I have been having issues making I/V Triangle sub-circuits that work in ngspice and qucsator-rf.

  1. netlist created for "Triangle_i_tran.sch" has an extraneous "-1" that causes ngspice errors. I flipped polarity of I1 and "-1" is still there. Send netlist to DuSpice after deleting -1 and simulation runs but data is garbage. This may effect #1046

  2. I went back to Qucs 0.0.20 and "Triangle_Wave_Generator.sch" works. Try Triangle_Wave_Generator.sch in Qucs-S, qucsator-rf and it has multiple errors. Ideal Rectangular Current Sources doesn't work in qucsator-rf



The irect simulation error fixed by #1059. The triangle wave simulation example works on my machine.

Have you updated the "nightly"? The latest from 35min ago hasn't fixed issues...

Everything should be updated automatically. The latest build from current branch works as expected.

Use the continuous release from 18:18UTC

There is still 2 issues.

I created two projects, Waveforms_prj for ngspice and Waveforms_qucs_prj for qucsator-rf.

The Qucs Ideal Rectangular Current Source and Ideal Rectangular Voltage are treated differently by Qucs-S when used in ngspice versus qucsator-rf. The "re-mapping" of the Qucs source parameters to work in ngspice is VERY different BUT the mapping is logical.

However the Qucs Ideal Rectangular V/I Source parameters are misleading. The Qucs Ideal Rectangular Sources are "unique" in that TH includes Tr and TL includes Tf. In Qucs to make a Triangle, TH=Tr and TL=Tf. That is not the case when these parameters are "re-mapped" by Qucs-S to work in ngspice.

Qucsator wants TH=Tr=1ms and TL=Tf =1ms for a 2ms Triangle

ngspice wants TH=TL =1ps Tr=Tr=1ms for a 2ms Triangle

So basically old Qucs schematics using Ideal Rectangular Sources MAY need their source parameters changed when ported over to ngspice.

The last issue is sub-circuits made using the Qucs Ideal Rectangular Current Source don't work in ngspice but sub-circuits made using the Qucs Ideal Rectangular Voltage Source DO work in ngspice. Maybe it's the parameters I used in the sub-circuit or there is a bug. See "Triangle_i_sub_tran.sch". The file "Triangle_i_tran.sch" which is the same analysis without using a sub-circuit works...

As stated above, there is an "-" in the source entry 2nd position in the netlist, (V2 pulse value). What is it's purpose?

