
Clock frequency using Qucs Rectangular Source versus Spice Pulse Source

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I made two clock sources. One using Qucs Rectangular Source and the other using Spice Pulse Source. I can't figure out why the one made with Qucs Rectangular Source generates the wrong frequency.

Since both use the Spice Pulse function why is the one I made using "Qucs" wrong? Is the mapping of Qucs parameters to Spice wrong or are my formulas wrong?



Everything is correct. The period for Qucs source is calculated as PER=TH+TL+TR+TF. If gives 2*0.5/1e7+1e-9+1e-9=1.02e-7 The calculation in the CIR file is different. Please fix your equations in the subcircuit to take into account TR and TF.

Actually they were both wrong. I had to fix both subcircuits and clock.cir as well...

