
Ola's Playful Practice with "Edit profile #116"

Closed this issue · 1 comments

@raae said in #116 :
The user should be able to edit/change

  • Email
  • Username
    Password, is a little trickier, so let's wait with it

This will be very similar to signup/signin form.

  • Maybe create a new variant "update".

  • @olavea start with email.

Instead of doing lots of conditionals like {variant === "signup" || variant === "signin" <etc>. It could be good to do

  • create some helper variables. For instance create
  • const showEmail = variant === "signup" || variant === "update" and then use
  • {showEmail && <TextField }.
raae commented

I have been unclear, I do not want them all to be edited on the same screen.
One for each. Otherwise, it can be very confusing.

And to answer a comment I saw, we do want a new page. But later it will be a modal (popup) on large screens and a new page on smaller screens. We are optimizing for smaller screens first.